Sri Lanka - KANDY, HATTON, COLOMBO - 2nd to 11th March - NEW!!!

2nd March

Driving up to Kandy
Kanda, the word from which Kandy is derived, is a Sinhalese word meaning “hill”; from the city’s initial construction, about 1480 CE, it was known as Kanda Uda Pas Rata (“Palace on Five Hills”). In 1592 it became the capital of the Sinhalese kings, who preserved their independence during the period of European colonial rule.

From the 13th or 14th century, Kandy became a centre for both Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism, the religion’s two major sects. The city was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1988. 

Kandy was a beautiful place - a hill station with a view of lakes and rivers, and vegetation all around. It was cooler here because of the elevation and the roads and surroundings were very clean.

I was to be put up at Pastor Joe's home in Kandy. His son Jeronne had arrived to receive me. It was a good 40 minutes to Pastor Joe's home where a hot lunch awaited me. The whole place almost resembled the Nilgiris we had in India.

The family understood my weariness right away. They gave me a comfortable room overlooking the lake. After the meal, I sank into my bed with thanksgiving. It was a welcome respite after all the inconveniences I'd had in Jaffna, even though it would only be for a day. 

View from my room

That evening a few youth from the church came over to Pastor Joe's home to meet me. We had a good time of fellowship and I had the opportunity to share the testimony of my conversion, my call to ministry life, and the lessons I'd learned over the course of my missionary journeys. 

Bethany House of Worship

Pastor Joe was very touched and asked that I share my testimony in church the following day as it would benefit many of the new comers to christianity who would be attending. 

Pastor informed me that we would have the next day's Sunday service in his church, and I would then have to travel a little distance away to another town called Hatton, where I would be received by a Pastor Yogeswaran.

Our discussions went on for a good while past dinner until sleep finally won, and I had to bid the family good night.

3rd March

The next morning's service was due to begin at 8:30 am. 

Pastor Joe's church - Bethany House of Worship, was situated along a mountain range.

There were around 80 people in attendance.

Bethany House Worship Team
Praise and Worship Session

My message that Sunday was 'The 10 Virgins', with an emphasis on mainly the first 4 verses of Matthew 25.

Delivering the Message in Kandy

I explained the difference between Traditional Worship and True Worship of the Creator, stressing on The importance of Holiness, what Separation From The World and Denying Worldliness actually meant, and how the Deceptive Fashions of the World would pass away.

My heart was filled with a great burden which spilled onto the congregation as I preached. The main issue I found in Sri Lanka was the mingling of Church and World, with Christians putting on the garb of holiness but denying the works, most of them unaware of basic Christian commitment. 

My interpreter for the service was Pastor Joe's brother-in-law - Bro. Alex Jude who translated the message into Sinhalese.

The meeting went on till around noon.

Prayer Service

After the service, Bro. Alex came up to me and appreciated the message saying that he had been greatly touched.

A brother from the church expressed his desire to take me out for lunch, and I complied. I saw a bit of Kandy, as much as I could, given the time constraints, and then returned to Pastor Joe's house, where I took a bit of rest till around 4:00 pm when I had to prepare to leave for Hatton.

@ Kandy Lake

Kandy Bus Station

Leaving Kandy

My bus was at 7:00 pm. I reached Hatton at about 9:00 pm. Reverend Yogeswaran was at the bus stand to receive me. 

Pastor Yogeswaran lives in Hatton with his wife and two daughters, and ministers in and around the estates in Hatton.

Rev. Yogeswaran's Church and Quarters

I spent some time sharing my testimony and vision with the family that night after dinner, before I retired to my room. I related to Pastor Yogeswaran how the meetings in Jaffna had gone, and the initial miscommunication and disorganized state of my stay there. He deeply regretted not calling me to Hatton sooner, and told me that there was a lot of politics among ministers in the districts, and this had contributed to the mix-ups. 

I had been satisfied with the meeting in Kandy and was informed that the Pastors in Hatton had come to know about me and my vision, and had said that they were prepared to arrange Pastors' Conferences and meetings in their respective churches the next time round.

Pastor Yogeswaran said that there was a lot to be accomplished in Hatton, encouraged me to rest well, and assured me that he had my stay well-planned.

I slept deeply that night, my mind at rest.

4th March

Every month, the missionaries of Hatton gather together to pray for the nation and for missions around the world. They mainly join together to pray for revival.

That morning, I was asked to speak at one such Pastors' Meet at Pastor Xavier's Church - JMC Church.

Hatton tea Estates

JMC Church Building

The moment I entered I took the scripture on the banner behind the pulpit as a sign from the Lord for me. It was the Lord telling me that the doors he had opened for me here would stay open.

The meeting began at around 11:00 am and was due to end by 1:00 pm.

There were around 80 ministers in attendance.

I briefly shared my testimony, and then introduced my vision of Prophetic Awareness.

My message at the gathering was from II Peter 1: 19.

As at the Pastor's Conference in Jaffna, I placed before them a challenge - There can be no revival without the church turning back to the Apostolic Faith.

I expounded on the meaning  of revival, commended their expectation of it, and at the same time underlined the criteria required to achieve it in our times.

Delivering the Word @ JMC Church

I exposed certain false ministries and false doctrines of our days, and encouraged all those gathered to put their trust in Jesus - the Author and Finisher of our faith, rather than in the teachings and traditions of men. 

I drove home the point that many ministers who received their degrees in Bible College entered ministry without a vision and purpose, without confidence of their calling, and so fell prey to many lusts - money and the pleasure of it being the main among these.

There were a few ministers who Pastor Yogeswaran later told me would frequent the back pews like the back benchers in school, mainly to poke fun at the speaker, and then leave within 10 minutes of the meeting. However, even those ministers sat through the meet quietly and in reverence, listening closely to what the Spirit had to say. 

Once the meeting had ended, many of the ministers came forward and took down my contact details, appreciating the message and stating that this was the kind of teaching that was required in Sri Lanka for the end times, and that they would be glad to host me in their churches, the next time I was there.

The Secretary of the Pastors' Association, as well, who usually never spoke to any visiting ministers, and was quite standoffish most of the time, testified that he had been touched, and welcomed me back any time I wanted to come.

This was also the first meeting at which I met Bro. Ebenezer - the brother who had been instrumental in providing me an opening in Sri Lanka.

I took some time discussing the ministry in Jaffna with him and instructed him regarding further missionary plans, and how to conduct them more professionally.

That afternoon, there was a cottage prayer in the home of a brother, Bro. Linges, from Bro. Ebenezer's church, in a place called Fordice Estate, and I was asked to preach there.

Fordice Estate, Hatton

Hatton Lunch

The meeting began at around 3:00 pm.

Prayer @ Bro. Linges's Home

I shared a simple message with the little flock there based on Psalm 23 - Jesus Christ - The Shepherd of our Souls.

After a wonderful time of fellowship, we ended the meet at around 4:30 pm.

Prayer for the family

We then made our way to the house of another believer in another estate - Panmur Estate for prayer.

The prayer service began at 7:30 pm and lasted till 9:00 pm.

There were several non-christians present there, so I preached the message: 'Jesus Christ the True and Living God.', touching on the futility of Traditional Christianity, the pagan origins of certain rituals that have permeated Christianity over the years, and the approachability of Christ to the believer. 

Panmur Estate Cottage Prayer

Post meet Deliverance Prayer

After prayer we had a piping hot estate dinner before retiring to Pastor Yogeswaran's for the night.

5th March

Meeting Place

The next morning was free and I spent some time in prayer, meditation, and spiritual discussion with the Pastor's family.

The meet that day was scheduled for the evening at around 6:30  pm at Pastor Yogeswaran's Church - Gospel Meeting Faith Prayer House in Kotagala, Hatton.

Kotagala Plantations

Gospel Meeting Faith Prayer House 

There were around 70 people present, mostly non-believers, and some non-christians.

Pastor Yogeswaran initiates the Meet
Delivering the Message
@ Kotagala, Hatton

My message for the congregation that day was 'Call On Jesus' - based on blind Bartimaeus from the Bible and how he continued to persevere in his cries for healing from Jesus even though those around him tried to hush him up.

I spoke on Divine Healing and The Power of the Cross, which I felt was needful for the people there.

After the message, Pastor Yogeswaran called for a healing service, and the Lord, once again, asked me to stretch out my right hand and ask the people to come forward, touch it in faith, and receive their healing.

Healing and Deliverance Service

From those who came forward, 6 people testified later to being healed and delivered. Some received deliverance from family issues and depression. 

One man in particular showed us a huge wound on his leg for which he came forward for prayer. He later told us that he had been spending around INR 2000 (24$) per day for treatment for the past 3 to 6 months, without any effect, but once he stepped out from the prayer line, he felt something enter him, and the pain in his leg left. 

(NOTE: Pastor Yogeswaran confirmed once I reached India, much later, that this brother was completely healed from his running sore and had begun attending church there.)

There was a woman as well, who came forward in the prayer line. I discerned that she had an evil spirit and on rebuking it in the Name of Jesus Christ, the spirit left quietly and without any struggle or disturbance. The woman testified that she felt that she had been released of some very heavy chains, and that she now felt free and her mind clearer. This woman too, has begun attending church there now.

And so the power of God was manifest - simply, and without much ado, hidden from the spotlight, in that small town in Hatton.

That evening, we had been invited to Bro Ebenezer's for dinner. He lived in Hatton with his wife and 3 children - two sons and a daughter. 

With Bro. Ebenezer and Family

We spent some time in fellowship, and I discussed my ministry vision with the family. It also gave me a chance to explain more about the end times, and share with them the mercies that the Lord had shown me in missionary life along the way.

We left soon after dinner.

6th March

With Bro. Michael and Family
Bro. Michael's
The next day I was invited to the home of a brother - Bro. Michael, in Hatton for lunch. 

After a quick lunch we made our way to our scheduled afternoon gathering at Pastor Charaboss's Church - Gospel Meeting Prayer House, in a place called Talawakale, in Holyroot district of Hatton.

Way to Talawakale Church, Holyroot 

It was a small gathering of around 30 people. 

The meeting would begin at 3:00 pm and go on up till 5:00 pm.

Pastor Charaboss hands me the pulpit

My message for the little gathering was 'God Heareth' with a text from  Psalm 147.

I recognized the plight of many of those in the church. They were mainly farm hands and labourers, struggling in deprivation in a country facing a humongous economic crisis. They needed more than anyone to know that God heard their prayers.

Delivering the Message @ Talawakale, Hatton

I encouraged them to look up, and seek the things of heaven in spite of their material burdens. I urged them to Seek the Knowledge of the Holy One, and prove the All Sufficiency of Jehovah Jireh.

I also shared with them some instances from my life, how I was no stranger to poverty, and the many struggles I had undergone.

All those who attended testified to being touched by the Lord.

That evening, we had another meeting in Hatton Estate in Pastor Mathivan's church - Jeevanathiya (Living Waters) Church.

Jeevanathiya (Living Waters) Church, Hatton Estate

The meeting was scheduled from 5:00 to 7:00 pm.

There were around 50 people present.

Pastor Mathivan initiates the Meet.

My message that day was 'Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone', with an emphasis on the Importance of Prayer and Reading the Word of God.

Delivering the Word @ Hatton Estate

I recognized that many of the believers in Sri Lanka were not well - equipped in Bible reading and meditation, in a large part due to the material scarcities and income issues in the country. They had not been groomed in the discipline, and were rather encouraged to earn more and contribute to their families and ministries. The Word of God was on the backseat for most of them.

Post Meet Deliverance Prayer

After the meeting I spent some time in discussion with Pastor Mathivan over hot cups of chai. I shared with him about the Spirit of Ecumenism working in our days, The Beast of Revelation 17, and how Traditional Christianity was binding denominational churches together along with other religions to form a One World Government.

Pastor Mathivan was stunned hearing most of what I had to say, and confessed that this was the Message of the Hour, and that Sri Lanka had never heard anything like this before, and that these prophetic truths needed a wider platform to be spread further.

With Pastors Yogeswaran (left) and Mathivan (centre).

believer from Pastor Mathivan's church had arranged for dinner that night, and so we headed there.

After a hearty meal and prayer for the family, we left for Pastor Yogeswaran's home.

That night, I took the time to share the doctrine of The Original Sin with Pastor Yogeswaran and his wife. As they listened, I could see the Spirit of God penetrate their hearts and the eyes of their understanding being opened. After we finished our discussion, the couple was palpably touched and confessed that these truths needed to be proclaimed all over Sri Lanka, and that they now had a better understanding of my heart's burden.

I slept well that night secure in the knowledge that God was working behind the scenes in many ways in Sri Lanka, my spirit eyes seeing the work that had to be done there in the future.

7th March

As far as I'd come in Sri Lanka, I was still waiting for the fulfillment of the dream I had seen in 2015 - an old woman being delivered of demonic possession in a small cottage in the middle of a couple of winding tea estates.

Now Hatton and Kandy were filled with tea estates, but in my dream I had seen a road winding downwards. All the roads I'd been on up until now had been going uphill, so I was still in some expectation.

That day, Pastor Yogeswaran took me to Wanarajah Village, in Dickoya - a small rural habitation nestled in the middle of the Ceylonese tea gardens.

Dickoya Estate

He had recently started a mission there and had arranged a Children's Meet for me to speak at from 5:00 to 6:00 pm.

Children's Meet @ Wanarajah Village

There were a good many children, and I preached a simple gospel message to them such as they would understand, regarding Accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Personal Saviour, Faith in God for all things, and Communication with the Father.

After a heartfelt time of fellowship, I prayed over each child and we concluded the meet. 

As I and Pastor were resting up a bit, sipping cups of freshly brewed tea, an old woman happened to stumble in.

She was a 65 year old field worker, and had been busy with her work in the plantation. As soon as she had heard that a preacher from India had come over to pray for the children, she too had rushed right over. 

She asked me to pray for her. I felt a warmth in my body as I stood, and I heard the voice of the Lord telling me to place my left hand at the back of her neck, and my right hand on her forehead. I discerned the manifestation of an evil presence as I began to pray. And just as quickly as I rebuked the demon, it left without a struggle.

Sis. Jayakodi
(now Kristhuvin Jayakodi)
I asked the family to give the woman something to eat, and after she had refreshed herself, and we asked her how she felt, she testified that she felt (in her own words):

"as if I had been carrying a mountain all these years, and now it's finally off!!!"

Her name was Jayakodi which in Tamil means 'Banner of Victory'. I told her that her name was prophetic and that she would now be a Banner of Christ's Victory.

I had finally seen the fulfillment of my dream!

(NOTE:- Pastor Yogeswaran recently reported that this woman has begun attending fellowship regularly and her deliverance has sparked the interest of the natives there.)

We then had a 2nd meeting in a cottage in Norwood Estate close by.

This was the home of a family of believers who had dedicated their hall for prayer. 

Norwood Estate Cottage Prayer

There were around 50 people gathered for the meeting there which began at 6:00 pm. This would be my last meeting in Hatton.

My message for the little congregation there was True Repentance.

Delivering the Message in Norwood Estate

The meet ended by 7:30 pm and we headed home.

Over the course of the days I had spent in Pastor Yogeswaran's home, we had had many conversations regarding The End Times, when I had explained some of the deeper truths of the Word. I had encouraged Pastor Yogeswaran to read the Book of Acts, and pay special attention to the doctrines the Apostles had preached and lived by, and how only by returning to those Original Truths could the Church usher in revival.

We had also had discussions on the The Mystery of the Godhead, and the difference between the doctrines of Oneness, The Logos, and The Trinity.

I told you about the dream Sis. Benita had before I left Sri Lanka, of me in a disheartened and tired state, and a man suddenly walking up to me and lending his support. Well, I had been waiting and wondering, and had now found him.

I had found a kindred spirit in Pastor Yogeswaran, who had treated me well and given me a whole host of information about missions in Sri Lanka.

We spent the remainder of that night planning our next round of meetings and the topics to be presented in the coming months, before we finally turned in for the night.

8th March

The next day, I bid goodbye to Pastor Yogeswaran's loving family who had taken such good care of me.

With Rev. and Mrs. Yogeswaran

My bus to Colombo left at 9:00 am, and I was in the capital by 12:30 pm.

Bus Journey to Colombo

I had been invited to stay with Bro. John, who was the son of Bishop Theron who had willingly relinquished his preaching spot to me at the Pastor's Conference in Jaffna. 

He lived on the 6th floor of an apartment building in Sahaspura, Colombo with his wife and son.

After freshening up, the family treated me to a big Sinhalese lunch.

I shared my testimony with the family after my meal, and then got some rest before getting ready that evening for our meeting at Bishop Theron's Fellowship - Praise and Worship Church in Dematagoda, Colombo.

The meeting had been scheduled from 6:00 to 8:30 pm.

There were around 40 people present.

I spoke on Luke 12 - The Lord Provides - with regard to the Lord's Understanding of and Provision for Our Needs.

Delivering the Word @
Praise and Worship Church,

That evening, and the following day gave me some time to spend with Bishop Theron. I was able to more clearly explain my missionary vision to him, and share some of the deeper End Time truths, which he too agreed were required to be broadcast in Sri Lanka, as they answered the spiritual need of the hour.

With Bishop Theron (left) and Pastor Thangavelu (right)

The climate in Colombo was muggy and humid, and my sleep fitful.

That night I thanked the Lord for His loving kindness to me, for giving me caring people who had looked after me the best they could, and hands to co-operate with me in taking the vision that he had given me forward.

9th March

The next evening, there was a meeting arranged at Bishop Theron's Church once more from 5:30 to 8:00 pm.

My message was 'Jesus - Our Cedar of Lebanon' - on divine healing and Perseverance in Prayer.

After the meeting I spent some time with Bishop Theron and the elders in discussion regarding holding a Pastors Conference in Colombo on my next visit, and the topics that I would need to cover at that time.

I had some good fellowship with the Theron family after dinner that night, and then packed up to leave the next morning for another part of Colombo.

10th March

Mahanaim Good News Church
Praise and Worship Session

I left Bro. John's home the next day and traveled to another part of Colombo where I was scheduled to preach at a Pastor Chandran's Church - Mahanaim Good News Church.

The service would run from 8:30 to 10:30 am.

There were around 120 people assembled.

My message for the congregation there was Denying Worldliness. I emphasized on the Importance of Carrying the Cross of Christ in our society which demanded worldliness as a standard of compromise.

Delivering the Word in Mahanaim Good News Church

I urged the church to shake off their societal pressures to sin and be a part of the mixed multitude - more prone to forsaking their faith and forfeiting their spiritual blessings as Christians in many things rather than standing up for holiness and sanctification.

I alluded to The Great Tribulation, and touched on the subject of the 10 virgins as well.

The elders came up to me after the meeting to appreciate the message and welcomed me back once again to preach.

With Bro. Luke
Bro Luke who had initially come to pick me up from the airport when I had arrived in Sri Lanka, came to Pastor Chandran's home that afternoon and took me around Colombo to see some of the sights.

I visited one of the beaches there and saw the Lotus Tower just from afar. The Lotus Tower is the tallest self-supported structure in South Asia and the tallest skyscraper in the country.

I managed to catch a one hour nap once back at Pastor Chandran's place before the last leg of my journey in Sri Lanka came to an end.

That evening, I moved with my bags in tow from Pastor Chandran's house to Dehivalla, Colombo for an evening meeting which had been fixed for 5:00 to 7:00 pm. 

This was Pastor Raju Moses's Church in Dehivalla, Colombo.

Pastor Raju Moses leads the Worship

My message for the congregation was Faith in Christ. 

Delivering the Message @
Dehivalla Church, Colombo

I had gathered from my travels in Ceylon that due to the financial struggles and privation faced by the Christians there, most of them were feeling overcome by their burdens and material constraints and focused on prayer only for their daily needs and physical provisions, but were sadly lacking in spiritual growth.

I expounded on The Concept of Faith in The Invisible - Faith even when we cannot see what lies ahead.

I spoke on 'The Deep calleth unto the Deep', True Repentance, and Living for Christ.

I urged the congregation to forsake the things of the world, to stop chasing the fashion of the world which would pass away soon. I encouraged them to examine their hearts which the Word says are desperately wicked - prone to wander away from God and forget Him, and build on the faith that they had received, not lock it away.

I challenged them to Seek First the Kingdom of God and prove the Word of the Lord - that their needs and necessities would then be met by Jehovah Jireh, when they sought His Face.

We then had a prayer for all those gathered, especially some of the newcomers in church.

Post Meet Healing and Deliverance Service

All those who attended testified to being blessed.

After the meeting I bid goodbye to Bro. Luke, and made my way to  the Pastor's home there.

I was quite tired and had just enough time to freshen up and pack up before dinner. 

left for the airport around 11:30 pm itself so as to not inconvenience the brethren there, and reached by midnight.

My flight was scheduled for 3:00 am that morning so I only had to check-in and wait.

11th March


Onward to Coimbatore
reached Chennai by 4:30 am and had to wait for my connecting flight at 10:00 am to Coimbatore

I reached Coimbatore by 11:00 am and was back home by 12 noon.

This trip to Sri Lanka had been a sudden and unexpected one. Everything happened quite fast, and before I could blink twice I had found my way to Ceylon and back. That's how the Lord does things - in the blink of an eye, when we least expect it. 

Although the programs there had been hodge-podged at Jaffna, the Kandy and Hatton meetings had been the most profitable, and Colombo had welcomed me with wide open arms. The fellowship and endearing trust of the Sinhalese folk there had warmed my heart, and I had seen the hand of God move beautifully, leading me from one person and place to the next, opening up opportunities and pathways that I had least expected, and straightening the way for future endeavours there.

I ask you especially to pray for Pastors Barnabas, Pradeesh, Yogeswaran, and Theron, who have agreed to cooperate with me in taking the Prophetic Truths of the End Times across Sri Lanka. There is still much that I need to tell them about the Original Apostolic Truths, and I pray that this may bring in the revival they so yearn for in their respective districts in the country.

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