Mumbai - Pune Feb 2013 - A Review

Pune Convention - 17th to 26th February 2013

The February 2013 meetings in Vishranthwadi near Pune were a collective effort by the pastors and teachers in and around the area in bringing together their respective flocks to feast on the Word of God, and fellowship in the unity of the faith.

The idea for this 10 day convention was initiated by Pastor Yohan Kamble. The purpose of the meetings was in keeping with Pastor Shadrach’s vision of ‘The Unity of the Bride.’ Ten days seemed like a long time when first mentioned and many questioned what Pastor Shadrach was going to preach 'for 10 days', but all those who attended would testify that at the close of the meetings, 10 days were just not enough to contain the grace and glory that the Lord poured out.

The meetings began with a historic Pastors gathering on the 17th of Feb. In attendance were ministers Bhalerao, Gadge, Daniel Godotti, Hatagale, Jagtap, James, Joshua, Kale, Shekhar David, Sona Dette, Suryavanshi, Manoj Ranaware, Marks, and Yohan.

Pastor's Conference at Bro. Shimon's residence
This meeting saw a brief introduction of Pastor Shadrach’s ministry and vision of My India. All the pastors and brothers who attended introduced themselves and shared about their respective work in God’s field. To bring together these ministers in an atmosphere of reasoning and openness, absent of animosity and contention was no small feat. An old preacher once stated, “The enemy has no work these days. We are too busy fighting each other rather than taking up arms and fighting against him.” This meeting was a small step in the direction of mediation and resolution of the many controversies facing the end time scene today.

Pastor Yohan Kamble and the other ministers in collaboration with him had invited some of their flock to the meetings. The churches in Pune had also distributed flyers to the public.

The venue for the convention was a hall in Janata High School (St. Francis), Vishranthwadi. The arrangements for the venue’s booking and maintenance were undertaken by Bro. Ranaware.

The worship was led alternatively by two church music groups.

Bro. Joshua Reddy’s music team led the church in praise and worship with modern part-fusion undertones. The group is a part of Pastor Daniel Christian’s fellowship in Pune.

Pastor Shekhar David's church group sparked a traditional feel into the praise and worship sessions.

The following days were blessed with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in worship, revelation, and fellowship, as all those who attended may bear witness.


Pastor Shadrach expounded on such topics as Daniel’s 70 weeks, the 10 virgins, the fulfillment of end time prophecies, the exposition of the anti-Christ, the unity of the Bride, the meanings of the names in the genealogy of Seth and Cain, the fall of Saul, honouring the work of the Five-fold ministry, the translation of Enoch, Moses, and Elijah, and more. 

Daniel 70 weeks was explained in detail with an emphasis on proving through scripture the post rapture 7 years. This was to resolve the confusion of most believers regarding the issue. 

The highlight of the convention, the message on the 10 virgins expounded with relevance to our times, received a standing ovation; it was like new wine bursting the wine skins.

The Sunday service was divided into two sessions and marked an attendance of brethren from the surrounding areas of Aurangabad, Khumbhoj, Italkaranji, Pune Center, Ahmednagar, and Shendi. The message was ‘Jesus or Barabbas?’ and covered the parable of the treasure hidden in the field (Matthew 13:44), Baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, the Oneness of God in Christ, and the saving power of the Name. The message touched many, and a number of souls came forward to commit their life to Christ.                                                

The interpretation for the messages was undertaken primarily by Bro. Shimon Kale, shared by Pastor Yohan, Bro. Shimon, and Bro. Ranaware.

Bro. P.G. Bhalerao, a veteran in the faith, made it a point to stick it out for all the 10 days in spite of his physical weakness proving in deed that ‘The joy of the Lord’ is his strength. The oldest among those who attended was 90 year old Bro. Khupthe from Pune.

Each prayer meeting drew a crowd of between 75 to 150 people, and 250 people for the Sunday service. All who came, from the youth to the elderly, can testify to experiencing the anointing power and presence of God flowing freely and unhindered throughout those 10 inspiring days. They were truly days of spiritual rejoicing, gladness of the inner man, set ablaze with the fire from on high, and hallowed with the deep and mature waves of spiritual insight.

Mumbai - Pune 
(Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Ambernath/ Pune) 
2nd to 3rd March 2013

During the 10 day convention in Pune, Pastor Shekhar David extended an invitation to Pastor Shadrach to preach to his congregations in Pune and Ambernath, Mumbai. Pastor Daniel Godotti accompanied Pastor Shadrach and his family from Pune to Mumbai and was in attendance at the meetings there.

On March 2nd and 3rd, Pastor Shadrach preached to a gathering of about 150 souls in the Mumbai Church. The first day’s message was regarding ‘The very sure word of Prophecy’, Day 2, Sunday, saw a recap of the meanings of the names in the genealogy of Seth and Cain, which had been so well received in Pune. The Sunday service was attended by around 200 people.

After the Sunday morning service in Mumbai, Pastor Shekhar David, and his team travelled to Pune for the day’s second service where a congregation of around 200 people awaited the message. 

The crowd also included Pastor Kale’s congregation, members from Pastor Yohan Kamble’s fellowship, and attendees from Pastor Kiran Gadge’s church in Khumbhoj, Kolhapur.

Pastor Shadrach’s topic was ‘Prophetic Events and the Exposition of the Anti-Christ’

The message was covered live on

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