Sri Lanka - 4th to 17th June, 2024 - NEW!!!

After the success of my last trip to Sri Lanka, (read about that here) (and here) and having gained the co-operation of a good many ministers there, I felt led to set out a 2nd time, this time with my wife.

I had been in regular contact with Reverend Pradeesh, Reverend Yogeshwaran, and Bishop Theron regarding our previously discussed plans for a Pastors Conference in each of their districts respectively, since I'd been there last, and they had assured me that they would make the necessary arrangements, and that they were eagerly awaiting the spiritual gems I would be carrying to them this time round.

I took the opportunity to mail the Tamil translated issues of Prophetic Revelation's - The Original Sin and The LOGOS, a few days prior to my departure from India, so that it would reach around the same time as us, and we could distribute them at the meetings there.

The burden the Lord had placed in my heart was to expose the Mystery of Iniquity, so as to offer more clarity on the subjects I had broached on my first visit, namely Traditionalism Vs. Authenticism in Christianity, The Foundational Apostolic Truths that had been hidden away through time, the Perversion of The Knowledge of God after Babel, and the Call out of the Modern Day Babylonian System of Worship.

Due to the unpredictable nature of Sri Lanka's climate related power cuts, we decided against using a projector, opting instead for charts explaining the Mystery of Iniquity. This began as just a few diagrams, but actually turned into a Chart Teaching Series which we are currently translating into Hindi and Kannada. -  Special thanks to Bro. David Boon (Chennai) for his efforts in last minute translation of RLMs charts from English to Tamil.


So with toothbrush and thumb drive in hand, Sis. Benita and I made our way to Sri Lanka on the 4th of June, on our 6:30 am Indigo flight via Chennai.

Bro. Timothy dropped us off at the airport in time for our flight. We reached Chennai at 7:30 am, and boarded our connecting flight to Jaffna at 10:00 am. We touched down in Jaffna Airport at 12 noon. 

The airport was miniscule and had no automatic conveyor belt system, so our luggage was handed to us manually. 

Click here to watch a video

Click here to watch a video

We both got Sri Lankan SIM cards for our use during our stay there and then hailed a TukTuk (auto- rickshaw) to take us to our Homestay in Chunnakam, which was a stone's throw from the place where the meetings would be taking place.

It was almost 1:30 pm by the time we left the airport, and our lodgings were about a 20 minutes drive from the aerodrome.

Click here to come with us on our ride to Chunnakam.

We reached Dayanithi Guest House, Chunnakam, where we would be staying until the 9th, and after refreshing ourselves, settled down to some fine Jaffna Cuisine.

We had that evening free, and the next day as well. We had been travelling a lot before this trip so decided to get in some much needed rest before the meetings began.

Reverend Pradeesh came over that evening to meet us and discussed the meeting plans with us. We had to print out our Bible Study Charts and decided to do that the following day.

The meetings had been scheduled for the evenings, from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm, as the climate in Jaffna was unbearably hot. By God's grace it had rained a bit before we had arrived and the weather was somewhat bearable indoors.


The next day we went out for lunch, and were able to see some of Jaffna. 

Jaffna's History
There was something called the Bottomless Well (Nilavari), some distance away, which was well worth a look. We visited the Jaffna Public Library, and the Jaffna Fort, and on the way passed the LTTE Martyrs Memorial Place.

In 1983, after the killing of 13 soldiers by Tamil guerrillas and retaliatory attacks by the Sri Lankan military, large-scale violence erupted between the government and the LTTE. By 1985 the group was in control of Jaffna and most of the Jaffna Peninsula in northern Sri Lanka
LTTE Martyrs
Memorial Land
(not open to the public)

As more and more Jaffna Tamilians made their way abroad, most of them during the Civil War, they were able to build up their lives, and later come back, rebuild their damaged homes, reclaim their lands, and today are among the richest landowners in Sri Lanka.

So we had quite a history lesson by way of conversation with some of the Jaffna-ites we met there.

The climate was thankfully more or less bearable that day, but we couldn't wait to get back indoors and cool off.

That evening we went to a nearby printer and had our Teaching Charts printed. Reverend Pradeesh had also arranged for the printing of Seminar Certificates for each of the pastors who attended, so we got that done as well.


It was Day One of the Jaffna Meetings. 

The Conference was scheduled to begin by 5:00 pm that evening at Reverend Pradeesh's Church - Comfort International Mission Church.
We had to take a bike because the road leading up to the church building was being laid and four wheelers couldn't make it in. Our hotel manager was nice enough to lend us his. 

The Meeting Place

Reverend Pradeesh initiated the meet.

CIMC presented us with a small memento of our visit to Chunnakam. 

We had a joyful time of Praise and Worship in spite of the sweltering heat, and then settled down to feast on the Word.

Chunnakam, Jaffna Pastors Conference - Day 1

I was handed the Pulpit by 5:30 pm, and folks were still gathering at the Meeting Place.

After sharing my testimony, and distributing our RLM Charts, I went on to open my subject for the Meet - The Mystery of Iniquity. 

I spoke on The Fall of Lucifer, The Creation of the Spiritual Man, The Beginning of False worship, The Original Sin, and left my audience with a question : What is The Falling Away?

There were around 35 Pastors and their families in attendance, some of whom I had met the first time I had visited. 

After the meet, many of the Pastors came forward appreciating the depth of the teaching, and extending me invitations to preach at their churches the next time I was in Ceylon.

Dinner had been arranged for the congregation after the Conference, and we retired to our room soon after.


I wasn't very satisfied with the previous day's meeting in Chunnakam. We had expected 50 Pastors and there had been a number crunch. I was told that some of the ministers had come to the meet after attending another meet some distance away, and that explained the delay. Most of the pastors in Sri Lanka, look at a seminar or conference as a way of absorbing more knowledge and earning yet another certificate. The more certificates a preacher had, the greater the feathers in his cap so to speak. 

I'm afraid Jaffna, and Reverend Pradeesh had not grasped the seriousness of my burden for Sri Lanka. 

As I had mentioned in my last report on my visit to Jaffna in February, ministry in these parts is quite daunting and unpredictable. I had expected Pastor Barnabas to co-operate, as he had been the one who had most understood my heart's burden the last time I visited, but I later learned that there was much contention between the ministers in the area, with some favouring this organizer, and some the other, and all this squabbling had made it very difficult for him to get involved in the organizing.

Still, we committed the matter to the Lord that day, and went forward in prayer, beseeching the Father  to water the congregation's heart-soil, and letting the seeds fall where they may.

Chunnakam Jaffna Pastors Conference Day 2

That evening there were 40 pastors in attendance as well as a few folk from Reverend Pradeesh's Church. 

I preached on The Rise and Fall of Babel, Paganism in Christianity, Mystery Babylon -  Revelation 17, The Revelation of the Great Image from Daniel 2, and The Beast and the Son of Perdition.

I warned the congregation of the Snare of Ecumenism, and asked them to examine their hearts, note the reason for their calling, and pay heed to the Signs of the Times.

The congregation studies RLM Charts

My last subject, and one I explained at length, is The Mystery of the Godhead, and the LOGOS.

I took my time unveiling the depths of the Substance of the Divine, and delved into how that Substance had been changed by man over the years to suit his own understanding and interpretation, and how the knowledge of the Divine had been perverted, so much so that man had lost all consciousness of what he actually worshipped.

Explaining the LOGOS

I shared my burden with the ministers of Jaffna the best I could, and we ended the meet with prayer.

After the Conference, we distributed The Original Sin and LOGOS books to the attendees.

Distribution of The Original Sin and Logos Tamil Books

I was then asked to hand out certificates to those who had attended the 2 day Conference.

Handing out Seminar Certificates

Post Meet, a few ministers and brothers came forward with their questions, that I did my best to answer. And a few invited me to co-ordinate with them for future meetings in other districts of Sri Lanka, which I look forward to.

It was 9:30 pm, by the time the crowd dispersed, and we too, took our leave for the night.


3000 year old Sthupas
The next day, we visited a nearby archaeological site called Kadurugoda which was said to be 3,000 year old evidence of the establishment of the Dravidian Community dwellings in Jaffna. 

We drove past quiet farmlands inhaling the crisp country air. We couldn't get over how remarkably clean Jaffna was - the roads, the rural interiors, the gullies, even the public restrooms, something you wouldn't be able to find much in India. The Ceylonese in Jaffna value and respect their environment, and expect foreigners to do the same. You couldn't find people littering like they did in India which was a joyful change.

Jaffna Countryside 

We were quite spent because of the heat, and got back indoors and set to packing before we left for Hatton the next day.

That evening, we had a visit by Rev. Pradeesh and his wife, and I had the chance to point out some of the things that were lacking in the conference and better explain my vision to them. I told them that I wasn't interested in establishing ministry branches or promoting myself, but ensuring that the Message that had been committed to me was properly delivered to the hearts of the people of Jaffna, not just as head knowledge to be proved by a Seminar Certificate, but as wisdom imparted to the inner man, by which they could find their way back to the Original and Pure Truths of God's Word.


                 Leaving for Hatton

We were up the next morning and set to bundling all our belongings into our taxi bound for Hatton. The drive we were told would take around 7 hours at the most, which turned into 10 hours because of the extremely strict speed regulations. In India, we could have made it there in 6!

We left Jaffna at 10:00 pm and reached Hatton only by 8:00 pm. We fell into our beds at our HomeStay, decided to see a bit of Hatton the following day, meet Rev. Yogeswaran and family to have our charts printed out, and check on the meeting arrangements.

Makeshift Rain Shelters
along the way
Jaffna to Hatton Drive By Scenes

Driving through Kandy
on our way to Jaffna
When we had passed Kandy, it had been raining hard. So we were a bit apprehensive about the climate in Hatton. Hatton gets heavy rainfall in the monsoons, but by the grace of the Lord, and the prayers of the saints, the weather was glorious. There was a slight nip in the air, and the occasional drizzle, but no downpours, and we hoped it stayed that way.


The next day we opened our eyes to this beautiful view...

We had the day to ourselves, so decided to explore Hatton in a TukTuk.

We drove past the various tea estates taking in the refreshing mountain air and stopped by a Tea Factory and Packing Unit to see how Ceylonese Tea is processed. You could smell the Tea in the air!

Our TukTuk driver Sanju, who drove us to all our meets during our stay there suggested we check out an old abandoned railroad line that was built for steam engines to cross in the old days. And on our way back to our lodgings we halted at The Devon Falls Viewpoint at the top of a hill.

Hatton is indeed a beautiful place, and I find myself being led into ministry among the estate workers on the mountains wherever I go, which I think has something to do with the fact that I was raised on an estate and can better understand the Estate Mindset - (a story for another day...)

Exploring Hatton in a TukTuk

The Tea Estates of Hatton

That evening we met Rev. Yogeswaran and his wife at a nearby printer's and got our charts printed out. There were 10 charts in all and about a 100 or so pastors expected. 

After that was done, we headed over to his place to meet the family - his daughters - Jessica and Abigail, and his father. A few brothers who would be helping in organizing the meeting were there as well, and we had an hour of fellowship before we headed back to our lodgings.

Visiting Pastor Yogeswaran's Church the day before the meetings began - There were rain clouds over Hatton - We asked the Lord to stay the rain until the meetings ended, and He agreed. ☺


The service was scheduled to begin by 9:30 am, and I had been asked to be there by 10:00 am sharp. 

There were 86 ministers in attendance, some along with their families. 

I was handed the pulpit around 10:30 am, and began with a brief testimony of My Call to the Ministry, My Vision for Sri Lanka, and the burden the Lord had placed in my heart for the Ceylonese people.

I began expounding on The Mystery of Iniquity. I started with The 5 Rebellious Thoughts of Lucifer, and how it was in his mind that the plan to desecrate God's ideal for mankind began. 

I then moved on to The Original Sin which I took my time with, explaining it in detail so as to leave no room for doubts or questions.

The charts we had prepared were proving quite effective for the Bible Study.

Distribution of RLM Charts for Bible Study

I ended with a Biblical History Lesson on The Rise and Fall of Babel, and how Paganism had crept into Christianity over the Gentile Dispensation.

The meeting was concluded at 2:30 pm, and many of the brethren stated that the time for preaching should be extended a bit more.

Rev. Yogeswaran concluded the meet with prayer, and I am happy to report that the entire congregation expressed great rejoicing and appreciation. Those who had been a bit late, said that they would be bright and early the following day, and that they would bring others as well.

Lunch had been cooked up for the entire gathering by Sis. Yogeswaran and her team, and food packets were distributed to the congregation post meet.

Distribution of Food Packets.

Many of the ministers and believers, I had had the pleasure of meeting the last time I had been in Hatton, were glad to see me again, and brought me their smiles and wishes.

I met a few new brethren as well, who expressed their earnest desire to know more and be a part of this 'Call Back to the Original.'

One brother in particular - Bro. Thiagrajan, had been listening intently and came forward to commend me on the subject I had chosen, and put me in touch with the Director of Back to the Bible Ministries in Sri Lanka, who had his own Radio Show. He said that it would be wonderful if I could connect with the Brother in Colombo, as he had been looking for just such a message to share on the air.

Post Meet Discussions

All in all, Day 1 of our Hatton Pastors Conference had been a roaring success.

@ The Meeting Venue with the Organizers - Reverend Yogeswaran (center), Hatton Pastors Association Secretary Bro. Manoharan (left) and Chairman Bro Sandanam (right) With Mrs. Yogeswaran (bottom right)

Great is your faithfulness, Oh God, my Father!
There is no shadow of turning with Thee.
Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not.
As Thou has been, Thou forever wilt be.


The next day, the elders began the meeting by 9:00 am, and I was asked to speak from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, with a 10 minute tea break in between.

There were 115 ministers in attendance that day.

I reiterated the previous days teachings for those who had been absent, and then continued with my subject. I preached on the False Worship that was introduced in Babel, that had become the False Religion of the Modern World, What happened at the Nicean Council in 325 AD, and Traditional vs. Apostolic Christianity.

I took the congregation back to The Faith of the Apostles, examining the Foundational Doctrines that had been tampered with in time, then drove home my point with the teaching of The Mystery of the Godhead and The LOGOS explained.

I exposed Mystery Babylon, based on scriptures in Revelation 13 and 17, and touched on The Great Image from Daniel Chapter 2.

By the end of the service, I discerned that my audience, who had paid diligent heed to my message and had accepted the basic Foundational truths I had laid out, had clearly understood everything they had needed to about the Origins of certain pagan rituals that had permeated Christianity, and the Traditional Beliefs that they had been clinging to for years. They had also comprehended the Godhead well.

And so I was satisfied and my burden lighter, for I had finished the work I had been sent to do in Hatton this time.

I ended the service with a fervent prayer for the congregation, and for these truths to spread all over Hatton, that spiritual awareness would take root in every church and drive out traditional blindness.

Prayer for Hatton's Revival

Bro. Ebenezer was called upon to pray over the books, which were distributed at the meet.

Prayer before Book Distribution - The Original Sin + LOGOS distributed.

Lunch was served and it was almost 4:00 pm by the time the crowd dispersed.

It had been a most fruitful Conference, and my soul was right rested.

Post Meet Discussions
1. With our Sis. Nirosha (left), the Yogeswarans,
and Bro. Mohan (right) who helped out untiringly @this meet.

That evening we had planned to visit Wanarajah Village, but were too tired out. By the time we had our late lunch (almost supper), it was 5:00 pm. We then discussed future programs for Hatton and the surrounding estates with Rev. Yogeswaran and Pastor Mohan, before retiring to our lodgings.

That evening, Sis. Yogeswaran had cooked up quite a spread, and we were invited for dinner and some quiet fellowship with the family. Our new friends, young Pastor Mohan, and Sis. Nirosha were there too.

I had a chance to testify in more detail about the struggles I had undergone in ministry life, and how it had shaped me and helped me hone my ministry vision. Pastor Mohan told me that the youth of Sri Lanka would really benefit from the teachings he had heard at the conference, and suggested co-ordinating a Youth Meet the next time I was in Hatton. Rev. Yogeswaran related how he had first come to ministry, and we discussed at length what was preached at the conference, and what the reaction of the brethren had been.

We packed up the rest of our books and charts and left for our lodgings after a hot dinner and some good fellowship.

Evening Prayer @ Rev. Yogeswaran's


The next morning, we were due to leave Hatton for Colombo by 11:00 am. We packed up our stuff, and booked a cab to the capital which was 4 hours way.

Rev. Yogeswaran and his wife, and another Sis. - Sis. Elizabeth and her family came to see us off.

Rev. Yogeswaran was gracious enough to share his review on the 2 days Hatton Pastors Conference, on video. Click here to hear watch (subtitles included)

A final farewell before setting off for Colombo.

We bid farewell to Hatton, as our cab wound its way down the hills to Colombo.

Hatton to Colombo Drive-by Scenes

We passed the River Kelani which is 145-km long. The fourth-longest river in the country, it stretches from the Sri Pada Mountain Range to Colombo. It flows through the Sri Lankan districts of Nuwara Eliya, Ratnapura, Kegalle, Gampaha and Colombo. The Kelani River provides 80% of Sri Lanka's drinking water.

The River Kelani

Near Grand Pass, Colombo
Auto rickshaws or Tuktuks in Colombo are painted green, red, and blue. Sri Lanka probably does not believe in PUC, so we spent our evening walking through smog.  

Most of the shops close by 7:30 pm at the latest with only hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. staying open until 10:00 pm. 

Colombo was also extremely and unforgivingly hot.

We actually felt like we'd just stepped into 1995s India, only this time with WiFi.

We slept fitfully that night and awoke early the next morning.


Bishop Theron
We had to be at the Meeting Venue by 8:30 am. Bishop Theron was especially strict on punctuality.

Bishop Theron, who had encouraged me greatly on my last trip to Sri Lanka had arranged a Pastors Conference in Grand Pass, Colombo at a small hall on the first floor of an apartment building.

There were 32 pastors in attendance eager to begin the Bible Study.

After a rousing time of praise and worship, I was handed the pulpit at 9:00 am.

The service had been divided into 2 sessions, with a tea break at 11:00 am.

After sharing the testimony of My Call to the Ministry, MY INDIA vision, that had been born in 2012 after the death of my son, and my burden in exposing certain inherent truths for our times, which had been leading me to other countries, I began my subject for the Conference.

Colombo Pastors Conference - Day 1
Grand Pass, Colombo

By the end of the 1st session I had managed to cover The Five Rebellious Thoughts of Lucifer with scripture references from Ezekiel 28, and Isaiah 14. I touched on the Renewal of Creation, The Actual Age of the Earth, the Creation of Angels, and the Creation of Man first as a Spirit Being.

The 2nd session began at 11:15 am and I delved into my main subject - The Mystery of Iniquity. I expounded on The Original Sin - Satan's planned entry into the human bloodstream to corrupt God's plan for mankind and usurp man's authority over the earth.

The congregation received the message well. Most of them were Bible scholars and preachers who knew their Bible, and could firmly grasp the depth of the revelation that was being offered them.

Lunch packets were distributed at the end of the service. We took ours and headed back to our lodge. We felt quite worn down in the heat, and I had contracted a bug of some sort which was making me feel a bit fluish.

After dinner that day I took some medication we had brought along for emergencies, as I was running a fever.


The next morning, I was very out of sorts and drowsy from the medication, and told Bishop Theron that I would be there by 9:30 am.

I was handed the pulpit as soon as I arrived and continued where I had left off.

During the 1st session, I covered the topics: False Worship, False Religion, The Futility of Denominationalism, Paganism in Christianity,  and The Rise and fall of Babel.

Sister Ramini interpreted the Word in Sinhalese.

Sis. Ramini interprets the message in Sinhalese.

We broke for tea at 11:00 am, and I was feeling quite drained by the time the 2nd session began but had to soldier through.

Bishop Theron interpreted for me in the 2nd half.

I used the 2nd session for The Exposition of Mystery Babylon, and took the congregation through Studies in Revelation 13 and 17, Studies on The Great Image of Daniel 2, and slackened my pace to see that they were all following me before I began expounding on The Mystery of the Godhead.

Explaining the Godhead

There were 37 pastors in attendance that day, and after I had felt that they were with me in Spirit, went on to explain the LOGOS, and ended with A Call back to Apostolic Faith.

I stretched the hours as much as I could according to IST and the exuberance of my audience, but had to finally end by 2:15 pm.

The Original Sin and LOGOS Tamil books were distributed at the end of the service, and many of the visiting ministers came over to appreciate the message, and some to suggest holding meetings in different districts of Sri Lanka, where they were ministering.

Post Meet Discussions

I had made an appointment with Director Jegaraj of Back to the Bible Ministries the following evening to discuss my vision and plan to further the Word in Sri Lanka, so Bishop Theron invited me and my wife over for a home-cooked meal that night at Bro. John's place where I had stayed on my first visit to Ceylon, in Sahaspura.

That evening, my wife and I (heavily medicated and with my inhaler in pocket) visited the Therons. Sis. Priscilla, Bishop Theron's wife, had put on quite a spread, and we had some good fellowship with the family before leaving for the night.

Bishop Theron updated me on how the other ministers had responded to this teaching series, and we made tentative plans for future missions in that area.

With Bishop Theron and Family


We slept heavily that night, and were up early the next morning for Sunday service at Bishop Theron's Church - Praise and Worship Church, in Dematagoda, Colombo, quite a distance away.

I was told to be there by 10:00 am.

There were around 40 people assembled by the time we arrived.

Praise and Worship Church,
Dematagoda, Colombo

My message for the congregation that day was 'Walk as Enoch walked'.

I asked them to turn away from the deceptive illusions of worldliness and pay heed to the needs of their souls. 

Delivering the Message
@Dematagoda Church, Colombo

I stressed on The Importance of being prepared for the Coming of Christ, and being obedient to His will in all things, even though at times, it may appear difficult.

I focused on Spiritual Awareness and how it was sadly lacking for the current generation.

We ended the service with worship and prayer.

Bishop Theron began his ministry in Colombo in the 1980s. He lives in Sahaspura with his wife, and has 6 children. His youngest - Mark, is the Church Keyboardist.

He told us how he had begun ministering in and around Dematagoda in the early days, and then moved on to different districts of Ceylon, and the opportunities he had given up abroad to care for his fledgling assembly. He has dedicated the Dematagoda land and Church building to the Lord, and lives on rent in Sahaspura.

Bishop Theron introduced us to his extended family after the service, and after some good conversation, Bro. John hailed us a TukTuk and we left for our lodgings with the family's warm wishes and prayers upholding us.

That evening, I decided to take my wife out for dinner in Galle Face near the seashore. I wasn't able to co-ordinate with Bro. Jegaraj, and so that appointment had to be cancelled as we would be leaving early the next day.

Lotus Tower
We left for Galle Face Greens at 6:00 pm, and the sun had just begun to go down when we got there. The balmy sea air did us a world of good, and the beauty of the ocean was incomparable. We had some ox-tail soup for dinner which helped with the flu, and then left for our room. 

We saw the Lotus Tower on the way which is a symbolic landmark of Sri Lanka. The tower is the tallest self-supported structure in South Asia; the 11th tallest tower in Asia and the 19th in the world.

Galle Face Greens, Colombo

The Indian Ocean

The meds kicked in soon after we reached our lodge, but we still had to pack. My wife was feeling a bit under the weather as well, and we slept deeply and were up by 6:00 am the next morning, settling our bills, booking our cab, and scrambling to get the last bit of packing done. The airport was a 45 minute drive away in traffic.


Our cab arrived at 9:30 am, and we were at the airport in an hour. 

Our flight was scheduled to depart by 1:00 pm. We were in Chennai by 2:00 pm, and had to go through immigration, then had a bite for lunch, and waited for our 6:00 pm to Coimbatore.

We reached Coimbatore by 7:00 pm, and were more than happy to soak in the pleasant weather after the oven that had been Colombo.

Bro. Timothy was waiting at the airport to receive us and shuttle us home.

God bless all those of you who attended the conferences in Jaffna, Hatton, and Colombo. May the Word of the Lord that is sharper than any two-edged sword cut through all the hindrances that Satan may bring in your way to turn you away from the truth which has been delivered to you.

A big thanks to all those of you who supported and prayed for us, shared our burden, and traveled with us in Spirit. Your prayers are what give us that extra push when we're feeling very down, they lift us up when we feel like we can't take another step. They cheer us up when we meet with failure or rejection. They bear us on Eagle's wings when we have no strength left. Your prayers go before us to anoint the hearers and clear the path for the Lord to speak. They cut down doubts and opposition. They cast down the forces of darkness plotting against us. We appreciate and value you all for this immense service. Do keep praying for us. God bless u all. Shalom. 🙏🏻

1 comment:

  1. May God bless your ministry more and more in Jesus mighty name. dear Brother
