
New Delhi - Rajasthan - Haryana - Bihar - Nepal 11th to 30th November, 2022

After the Telangana meetings, I had purposed in my heart to redeem the time that I had in 2022. My feet were aching to run for the Lord and my heart was yearning to serve Him more.

The Pandemic lull and my struggle with Covid had weakened my muscles to a great extent. In between missions, now and then, I felt the familiar aches and pains resurface, and fatigue set in. I began having dizzy spells and an unbearable ache in my left shoulder for which I had to undergo several weeks of physiotherapy.

I realized that I had only 2 choices - succumb to the weakness and get lulled once again into a lethargy or put on my running shoes and set out on a new mission. Thank God I chose the latter.

(With the missionaries of Himachal Pradesh
- Pastor Vinodh, 3rd from right)
I had expressed my desire to spread the Prophetic Awareness message that the Lord had given me in those parts of India I hadn't yet visited, to Pastor Vinodh of Himachal Pradesh. He had tried to arrange a few consecutive meetings in Himachal Pradesh but due to certain upheavals in that part of the country, those plans were cancelled.

It was then that he introduced me to Pastor Dinesh in the State of Rajasthan. I spoke to Pastor Dinesh over the phone and once he understood my vision and ministry, he was more than happy to arrange a week's meetings in Rajasthan.

There had been many tribal communities in Rajasthan turning to the Lord in recent times amidst a huge outcry of conversion. However most of the populace there were farmers and wage workers, and so education was not a strong point with them. Still, Pastor Dinesh told me that the congregations there were always eager to hear the Word preached, and that I should pack up and be there by the 14th of November.

Pastor Rajeshwer who was labouring for the Lord in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh had also arranged a meeting for me at a new church in Haryana, after which we would have to travel to Kishanganj, Bihar and from there into the country of Nepal across the border where there were two churches willing to host us. From there we would be travelling downwards into the State of Madhya Pradesh before getting on home.

It was quite a trip, and seeing that I would be travelling North anyways, I informed Pastor Sanjiv Emmanuel of my plans, and he said that he would be happy to have me in New Delhi as well.

11th November, 2022 - to New Delhi

I left for New Delhi at 8:30 am and was in the capital by 11:30 am.

Bro. Aaron, Pastor Sanjiv's nephew, was at the airport to receive me.

We travelled by metro rail to Pastor Sanjiv's place in Uttham Nagar, New Delhi.

Bro Sanjiv Emmanuel had come to the truth almost 30 years ago. We had been in touch on social media, but had not met personally. It was a joy to finally meet him after all these years.

A small cottage meeting had been arranged at Bro. Sanjiv's place from 7:30 to 9:30 pm that evening. As it was a working day, many of the brethren, I was told, would not be able to make it. 

There were around 12 of us including Brother Sanjiv's father and brother.

I shared a short message from Psalms 133, centering on The Unity of the Brethren, with an emphasis on the Purity of Fellowship.

None of us were in a mood to sleep even after the service, and we somehow found ourselves sharing soul experiences and testimonies over chai into the wee hours of the morning.

12th November, 2022, New Delhi

It was 5:00 am in the morning before I actually went to bed.

working our way from the capital....

When I left Coimbatore, I had a sore on my right foot which had not healed due to my fluctuating sugar levels. This had been making it increasingly difficult for me to walk. Bro. Aaron had told me that we could get an appointment to visit a doctor there who could help me.  I also needed a warmer coat as the winter chill in the North was biting through my sweater. So I was up by 10:00 am and off with Bro. Aaron to the doc and then the bazaar.  I also heard from Pastor Rajeshwer who was sharing the truth in Bihar at the time, and reported that the message was spreading across the state unhindered.

Bro. Sanjiv Emmanuel had to travel to Uttar Pradesh, as he had a call to preach at a church there that Sunday. So I bid him adieu and travelled with Bro. Aaron to Nizamuddin station where I had a room booked for me for that night and the following day.

13th November, 2022, New Delhi

I had to preach that Sunday at Masih Garh, near Nizammudin Station at Living Hope Fellowship Church.

Bro. Aaron dropped me off at the church that morning.

The service began at 10:00 am.

Pastor Jordan, the local pastor, welcomed me warmly and handed me the dias at around 11:45 am.

There were about 65 people present.

My message for the congregation gathered there was The Spiritual Man in which I expounded on The Image and Likeness of God.

The message was well received and many members of the congregation came up to me after the service and told me how the message had touched them and made them aware of how much closer they needed to walk with the Lord. 

I was cordially invited to visit again.

My train from Nizamuddin to Dahod would arrive by 7:45 pm. So I checked out by 7:00 pm and made my way to the station, onwards to Rajasthan.

14th November, 2022 - Dahod, Rajasthan

Pastor Dinesh was waiting to receive me at Dahod railway station.

He lives in Osara Village, Banswara District of Rajasthan

Entrance to Rajasthan

We grabbed lunch at a local eatery along the way.

Jira Moru

Rajasthan literally means 'Land of kings.' It is the largest state in India by way of geographical area. 

It houses the ruins of the Indus Valley civilisation, the Thar Desert, the Aravalli Mountain Range, and 3 National Tiger Reserves.

The terrain in the state was rugged and dry. The desert air was cold this time of the year, and the nights were very chilly, even for me. 

Bro. Anand, Pastor Dinesh's son would serve as my interpreter during the meetings.

I managed to converse with the family in my traveller's Hindi. I shared with them my testimony, my vision and call, told them about the work the Lord had begun doing in various parts of India of late, how important prophetic awareness was for our times, and how lethargic traditional Christianity had become over the years and why.

Pastor Dinesh had been a Catholic missionary, so he understood me well when I spoke about the ongoing ecumenical movement spreading across our country, and the prophecies in the Book of Revelation that were to take place in the future.

There usually is that first awkwardness at gauging a new comer, especially a new preacher whom they had heard nothing about, that we overcame quickly once I began my discourse in comical Hindi which they somehow managed to understand. 

There were no meetings scheduled for that day and so I could get some rest before starting off the following morning. 

That night, Pastor Dinesh served me a traditional Rajasthani dinner in the moonlight on his house verandah. 
15th November, 2022


The following morning, we travelled to our first meeting in Patiyakodar Village. 

The meeting had been scheduled from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm.

The local Pastor, Pastor Motilal welcomed me in traditional Rajasthani fashion - garland, truban, and all!

There were around 50 people present.

My message focused on Spiritual Awareness for Our Times.

After the meeting at Patiyakodar, we made our way to Bogidama village, a few kms. away for a second gathering.


Around 35 people had come together in the village to hear the Word preached. Most of the men folk were out in the fields harvesting.

I reiterated the same message I had shared in Patiyakodar, with an emphasis on True Repentance.

We had traversed almost 100 kms that day.

It was 7:30 pm by the time we got back to Pastor Dinesh's place.

The dew fell fast in the winters and people were usually asleep by 8:30 pm. The household grew pin drop silent by 9:00 pm, and I too, found myself snoozing off in the noiselessness. 

16th November, 2022


The next day, Pastor Dinesh informed me that we had a journey of around 200 kms before us.

We would be ministering to the Dabi Tribe Community of Rathdee Village.

There were around 40 people in attendance.

I preached on Seeking God's Face.

There were camel riders at the entrance of the village and the brothers asked me to give it a shot.

If you zoom in you can see the look of horror on my face as I held on for dear life. 

Shout out to Bro. James Chacko who dubbed me the '4th Wise Man' and informed that if I started then, I would be able to make it to Bethlehem by Christmas. :-D


Safer at a distance :-D

17th November, 2022


The next day we travelled to Bijilpur Village for a Pastor's Conference. 

Around 25 pastors came together to hear the Word.

I spoke about Traditional Christianity and its errors, The Church Ages, The Division of Denominations, The True Church, and The Original Sin.

One of the elder ministers came forward after the message and commended me saying that it had been almost 40 years since he had heard such a genuine, soul- touching, message and that it surely was the truth of God being revealed.

Most of the ministers who had gathered there that day agreed on the futility of denominationalism, and accepted the teaching on The Original Sin. At first they had been quite wary regarding my preaching and ministry, but once I shared with them my motives and vision, they felt more comfortable and open towards me. They have all extended invites to preach at their respective churches in the future, which is a big step in furthering the truth in Rajasthan.

18th November, 2022


The one tree I had to sit under
for cell network.
The fresh air, early sleeping, early waking, and absence of social media intrusions agreed with me. I felt the sleeping strength in my legs coming to life and was physically and spiritually invigorated. My strength came mainly from the joy of the Lord - the joy of having these simple folk accept the message of our times. 

My sugar levels seemed to be in control as well, and the wound on my leg was healing fast. I thanked the Lord for this as I had been worried it would deter my walking speed over the course of the next couple of weeks.

Corn Rotis and organic veggies for breakfast

Glimpses of the Rajasthani Countryside

Devasis or Rajasthani Shepherds

The day's meeting had been arranged in the church of Pastor Bheemchand, in Kushalgarh Village. 

The message I delivered there was regarding The Mystery of the Godhead.

After the message, a healing and deliverance service was arranged. Before this could begin, as I was praying in my heart, I felt the Lord speaking to me, asking me to stand with my right hand extended towards the congregation, and have the people come forward from the left and touch my right hand while silently committing their needs to the Lord and trusting Him for their healing and deliverance. 

This was a very new and different experience for me. It was as if I could feel the tangible presence of the Lord standing on my right, and a clear voice speaking in my heart saying, "I will place my hand upon your hand." 

At first I wondered at this instruction, but then I recalled the scriptures: 

"And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the LORD, and of Gideon." (Judges 7:20)

"And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people;" (Acts 5: 12)

"The right hand of the Lord is glorious in power; His right hand shatters the enemy." (Exodus 15:6)

I understood that this was symbolic of the power of the Lord being revealed to the people of Rajasthan - more explicitly - the working of the Five Fold Ministry in action in that place.

It was during the deliverance service that a woman who was possessed came forward in the prayer line. After she had her petition prayed over, she went back to her seat, and then suddenly began moving in a circular motion, whipping her hair around, and moaning, the evil spirit manifesting itself. 

I rebuked the demon from the pulpit, and commanded it to leave in the Name of Jesus Christ. As I said this, the woman sank to the floor. 

Bro. Anand asked me what was to be done for her. I told him to leave her as she was, that I had rebuked the spirit in the Name of Christ and believed the woman was delivered. I told him that the Lord had told me to stretch out my right hand and all those who came forward for deliverance, would surely be delivered that day.

The brethren later told me that the woman in question had been not been able to sleep well at all for quite a long time. She used rise from her bed at around 4:00 am each morning, arching her body and whipping her hair around. This had gone on for around 12 years, and it had been a great disturbance to her household. 

That day, this woman was completely delivered. The next day, I was told that she had slept so soundly. She and her family were immensely grateful for the Lord's mercy.

It was after this incident at the meeting, when the others in the congregation, and the pastors who had gathered there saw the active demonstration of the power of God, that I felt a holy boldness within me. 

Up until that point, I had been wondering as I preached, whether the people would understand what I spoke, and if they did would they embrace the truth or consider it controversial. But, now I was sure that the Lord had stepped in mightily and had begun working in their hearts.

Pastor Dinesh told me that there were many healings that took place that day, and this served to further confirm the move of God among the people.
My joy was full.

19th November, 2022


Word travels fast, and the church we were supposed to visit the next day as well, had heard about the healings and deliverance of the day before. Their minds were open and ready for the Word of God.

This was Kuttamuniya Village.

After a rousing praise and worship session, I gave them the Word -
I expounded on The Unity of the Godhead, The Vanity of Traditional Beliefs, and True Repentance. I shared how the Apostolic Beliefs had been changed over the years, how even the Doctrine of Baptism had been corrupted throughout the church ages, and how in these last days, the Lord was revealing the Apostolic truths to His chosen people once again.

I spoke about the Logos, and preached Acts 2:38. And the congregation and ministers gathered there that day, accepted every word.

They understood the truth presented to them in simple faith. They took the Lord at His Word. They embraced the Word and took it to heart, so much so, that they confessed that any who would be baptized there by any other preacher in the village would be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. :-)

A woman from the congregation was so convicted by the message that she began wailing and repenting for her sins right on the spot.

The congregation was blessed and rejoiced greatly. The Word Ministry was going forth in power.

20th November, 2022


That Sunday we travelled to Pastor Bheemchand's main church in Jadi Kalinyara Village, quite a distance away.

There were around 170 people gathered. The good news had spread here too, and the congregation was hopeful and eager to hear the Word preached.

I preached again on True Repentance, The True Baptism, and The Mystery of the GodheadI also shared my testimony.

There were 4 cases of demonic possession that were delivered that day at the meeting. Many who came forward received healing.

The congregation rejoiced in accepting the Word preached.


The same day, we had an evening service in Surwan Village, a few kms drive from Jadi Kalinyara.

There were around 65 people gathered at Surwan, waiting for us at the church premises from 10:00 am that morning. They hadn't moved nor eaten. Such was their hunger for the Word of God.

My message for the congregation there was based on Luke 12 - How to Live a Life of Faith in a Fake World. The emphasis was on Knowing your Bible, Knowing your Creator.

At the end of the message we had a healing service there as well. (Pastor Dinesh has since told me that many who came forward during the service were healed.)

It would be my last day in Rajasthan. 

The following day, Pastor Dinesh would be taking me across the border into Gujarat to preach at 2 churches there.

Bidding adieu to the rugged beauty of Rajasthan

Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. (John 4: 35)

I couldn't resist sneaking in a Rajasthani jilebi (gram flour sweet soaked in sugar syrup) (to celebrate the success of my trip of course :-D)

21st November, 2022


We travelled to Dhavadiya Village the next day, my bags in tow, as I would be leaving right after the day's meetings.

The church was just a kaccha (roughshanty. The congregation was poor in material wealth maybe, but rich in spiritual earnestness.

There were about 30 people gathered.

I preached on Traditional Vs. True Christianity, and The Logos.

I shared John 1:1, and expounded on What was the Word of God, and How to Live a Life free of Worldly Compromise.

The message was well received. The congregation blessed me and the Pastor has called me back again.

We left 
Dhavadiya and ate up the remaining miles to the next village where I was scheduled to begin preaching at 2 pm.

GUJARAT BORDER, Shapoi Village

The travel and preaching engagements were quite hurried here, and I had not had time to prepare a second message.

I shared the same message with the church in Shapoi.

There were about 80 people in attendance.

I found this church to be a bit more established and hence, a bit more full of itself. The message did not have the desired effect on the congregation, but I'm sure there were some into whose heart the good seed had fallen.

It was time to say goodbye to my wonderful companions of  that blessed 1 week in Rajasthan. 

Bro. Anand had matched my preaching word for word so beautifully. I thank him for maneuvering our vehicle along the dangerous mountain roads and overpasses with his driving dexterity! 

I thank Pastor Dinesh and his wife for their hospitality - for opening their home and their hearts to me, and treating me so well during my stay with them.

They left me at Dahod Railway Station at around 3:30 pm. They had to be in the fields for harvesting that evening, and so had to get back early.

My train was not due until 7:30 pm, so I had a little wait at the station before leaving Dahod for Karnal, Haryana where Pastor Rajeshwer would be waiting for me.

Dahod Railway Station

My train was surprisingly on time.  

I settled in for the night, and found myself sharing a cabin with Abhisheikh Trivedi, a model and TV actor. We swapped stories, and I took the opportunity to share my testimony with him and tell him a little about the move of the Lord Jesus in my life and for our times.

22nd November, 2022 - Karnal, Haryana

I arrived at Karnal at around 12:30 pm. 

Pastor Rajeshwer was there to receive me at the station.

We had pre-booked our lodgings and Pastor Gulzar Masih of the Karnal congregation came to see us there. 

I spoke to him regarding my ministry call, MyIndia vision and the work the Lord had been using me to do across India. After a spicy Haryana lunch we got some rest. 

Bro Arpan Chettri had taken his flight around 1:15 pm from Baghdogra to New Delhi, and boarded a bus to meet us there. He joined us around 10 pm and after dinner and some good fellowship, we all retired for the night.

23rd November, 2022 - Karnal, Haryana

Pastor Gulzar Masih hailed from the Sikh community and had come to Haryana for ministry a few years ago.

The meeting that morning was arranged between 10:30 am to 1:30 pm in the verandah of his house where he usually conducts prayer.

There were around 65 people gathered there including around 5 to 6 pastors from the area.

We were greeted warmly with garlands and plaques as is the fashion in most Northern States of India.

During the praise and worship, a woman began manifesting signs of demon possession. A couple of the elders prayed over her and attempted to cast it out, but it fell silent and went into hiding again.

After sharing my testimony, I broke the Word to the people. My message was on The Unity of the Godhead. I took them on a history lesson through the church ages, expounding on how the Mystery of Iniquity had worked to cover up the vital Apostolic Truths of the Word.

Bro. Arpan interpreted the message into Hindi.

The congregation was very receptive.

After the message, I followed the Holy Spirit's guidance, and once again extended my right hand, asked all those with petitions to put their faith in Jesus Christ and come forward in the prayer line and touch my right hand.

The woman who had shown signs of demonic possession too came forward. But she could not touch my hand, and instead fell before the pulpit and began writhing and moaning. I commanded the demon to be gone in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and within moments, I felt the evil presence leave the woman. She rose and composed herself, then joined the remainder of the service.

A sister who had a terrible debilitating migraine problem too, testified to being healed after coming forward for prayer.

I realized that the working of signs and wonders in Rajasthan and now in Haryana was a witness to the people of the truth that I was delivering to them. It was tangible evidence the Holy Spirit was giving them of the genuinity of my ministry and the message I had carried there.

The people rejoiced greatly at the end of the service and many came forward to commend me. 

The pastors who were present testified how the message and the incidents that day had touched them and given them confidence in the power of God's Word. They told me that they would be carrying the message of The Mystery of the Godhead to their respective churches that Sunday. They have all extended invites to me and Bro. Arpan for meetings in the future.

We took some time to discuss the truth with Pastor Gulzar Masih as well. He was very receptive and accepting of the Word. 

Sadly we had no time to spare. We had to board a bus to New Delhi again. The journey would take around 3 hours. From there we had our train to Bihar at 11:45 pm. So after a hurried repast, we all packed off into the night. 

It was 9 pm by the time we reached New Delhi Terminus. The railway station was completely packed. 

There was a ridiculous sign saying "You will be fined Rs. 500/- if you sit on the railway bridge steps" - ironic because most of the passengers had already got quite comfortable there. We too in typical Indian style, found our step - seats and waited it out.

To our absolute delight, we got to see Bro. Azariah and Bro. Aaron from the Delhi fellowship at the station, with a life-saving kebab dinner in tow.

Our train arrived at 11:45 pm, and we bid the brethren goodbye with a promise to be back soon.

24th November, 2022, 
Karnal, Haryana - New Delhi - Kishanganj, Bihar

We had hurriedly found our seats and settled in for the night on the train.

The morning was a completely different story. The train was packed even in the AC compartment, with stragglers walking in claiming seats alongside us. The bogey was incredibly noisy because it was excessively crowded. And to our utter horror, the toilets were overflowing that morning. 

I and Bro. Arpan were silently praying for mercy when the TTE came by and we asked him if we could switch to the next coach which was II AC. By God's grace the seats were free till Bihar, and so we made the switch in haste and relief.

We reached Kishanganj by 9:20 pm that night.

Pastor Gurudev had come to the station to receive us, and took us straight to our lodgings. 

After a hot bath, we felt a bit more human and went out for dinner to discuss the next day's program. 

We would be leaving for Nepal the next morning, and would have 2 meetings there, after which we would travel back to Kishanganj for that Sunday's service.

25th November, 2022 - Nepal

Nepal, formerly The Kingdom of Nepal is now a Secular republic. It is mainly situated in the Himalayas, but also includes parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It has Tibet to the North, India in the south, east, and west, and is also narrowly separated from the land masses of Bangladesh, Burma, and Bhutan.

The native tongue is Nepali, which Bro. Arpan, who was a native Nepali, could fortunately speak fluently.

We left Bihar that morning around 10 am and began our journey across the border. Since we were Indian Citizens, we did not need passports to get across. Our Election cards were sufficient.

Our route touched the Kolkata border. 

The journey took 3 hours. The scenery was amazing with the Himalayan range in the backdrop, and the crisp mountain air on our faces.

We had looked up hotels online, and chosen one close to our meeting place. The meeting had been scheduled for that evening at 6:00 pm, at Komala Road Village, Jhapa District.

The local pastor, Pastor Mathee (Nepali for Matthew) welcomed us graciously.

There were around a 100 people present.

My message for the congregation that day was 'Seeking God'. The emphasis was on respecting the Word of God and living according to it.

Bro. Arpan interpreted the message in Nepali.

Many among the congregation were not that well-versed in reading their Bibles. 

I followed the same divine instruction here as in the other places I had been. For the healing service I had the people come forward in a line, present their petitions to the Lord within their hearts silently, and touch my right hand as a sign of faith, believing that they had received what they had asked for.

After the service I and Bro. Arpan had some time to discuss our beliefs and vision with Pastor Gurudev and Pastor Mathee.

They agreed on The doctrine of One God and Baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ. And this was our joy and reward for stepping into Nepal.

26th November, 2022 - Nepal

The next day, a morning meeting had been arranged at 11 am. 

There were around 50 people gathered there. 

I presented the same message I had the previous day: Seeking God's Face. I urged the congregation to spend more time in prayer and reading their Bibles. I emphasized on the Bible being the inspired Word of God, and how it had the power to take the believer from glory to glory in faith.

Bro. Arpan served as interpreter.

There were a couple of pastors who had been called to attend the meeting as well. After the service, I had a chance to discuss the same truths we had the day before.

What I had observed in Nepal was a lack of Bible knowledge among the people. They followed their pastors and teachers faithfully, did what they said, and attended church regularly. It was dutiful Christianity minus the power. I acknowledged they had yet to grow in the truth and it was imperative that their leaders be properly grounded in the Apostolic truths so that they could better lead their people. 

After the meeting, we were offered a hearty lunch, and the brethren were honoured that we ate with them. 

At this time, we received news that the Satna, MP meetings  were to be cancelled due to some extremist activity in the area. Pastor Rajeshwer bid us goodbye as he said he would have to go there immediately and investigate. So we sent him on his way with prayer and took in the best we could of our Nepali neighbourhood for that day.

27th November, 2022 - Nepal to Kishanganj, Bihar

The next day we made the journey back to Kishanganj, Bihar with Pastor Gurudev.

For the Sunday Service there, I had prepared the message: Prayer brings transformation, based on Luke Chapter 9.

Bro. Arpan interpreted the message in Hindi.

After the service, according to the leading of the Lord, I had the congregation line up on either side of the church - men on the right, and women on the left, as I walked between them and prayed over them for their silent petitions. I encouraged them to have faith that God would work in their lives.

As I walked between the prayer lines, 3 people in the congregation fell to the floor. 

A young girl later, came forward and told me (in translation) that as I walked between the lines, she had seen another shining white being walk beside me. As the being approached she trembled in fear and fell down in a state of awe. She said that it was a wonderful feeling, and I understood that it was the Lord confirming my ministry to the people in that place.

Lunch was served after the prayer service. And after lunch, I thanked the pastors who had gathered there for their hospitality and co-operation, and took the time to share with them some of the End Time Truths. The pastors listened sincerely and welcomed the present truth. They said that they would be willing to host us for future meetings of a longer duration, maybe in the first quarter of 2023.

We joyfully made our way back to our lodgings. We had to pack up for our journey the next morning.
The tickets we had booked to Satna could not be cancelled as it was last minute, so we asked for an extension to the next station, which was Jabalpur (another 3 hours added to our journey). We had already planned to go to Jabalpur after the meeting in Satna as that was where I had to take my flight to Coimbatore from. 

28th November, 2022 
Kishanganj, Bihar to Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 

Our train, true to Indian Railway Fashion, was delayed by 3 hours. It had been due to arrive at 12:30 pm, but instead we boarded at 3 pm.

Kishanganj Railway Station

The journey was again horrible till about 2:30 am that night, with a lot of screaming infants in our compartment and extra crowd and luggage crammed in. 

After 2:30 in the morning, a mass of families left the compartment, and we had a time of moderate silence to rest and refresh ourselves. 

The next day, while we were well settled in our seats for the journey, the Holy Spirit led Bro. Arpan to begin expounding the Word to the passengers in our bogey. 

He preached to them a simple gospel with fervour and clarity, and urged them to think about their salvation. 

Those who heard him were touched, and I was filled with joy to witness it.

29th November, 2022 - Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 

Railway Station
We reached Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh by 1:30 pm, and made our way to our pre-booked lodge.

We had had our lunch on the train, so we freshened up and sank into our beds for some well earned rest. 

That evening we went out scouting the neighbourhood for some simple, homely food. 

We managed to find a good hotel serving South Indian cuisine and had our fill of idlis and vadas (rice cakes and savoury dough crisps)

Mini Idlis dunked in Moringka Sambhar

Another miracle -
 finding a good South Indian Hotel 
outside of South India.

I was glad to be going home, and my heart was satisfied with the work done this time round. 

30th November, 2022
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh to Coimbatore

The next morning, Bro. Arpan accompanied me to the airport for my 8:15 am flight to Coimbatore via Hyderabad

I reached Coimbatore by 1:40 pm. Brother Timothy from our church was there to drive me home.

Jabalpur Mini Airport

Bro Arpan boarded his train to New Alipurduar, West Bengal that night at 11:30 pm and reached safely the next morning.

The success of this trip was amazing.

The Lord proved His Word with accompanying signs and wonders, thus vindicating the message preached to the simple people of Rajasthan, Haryana, Bihar, and Nepal.

I saw the Lord move and deal with each church and each congregation. I felt His Spirit softly instruct my heart, and I felt His awe-inspiring presence go with us along the way.

The fruit of the matter was the acceptance of the Doctrine of One God and Baptism in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, not just by the people who heard the message, but by the leaders, the shepherds, the pastors.

It had always been my heart's motive to reason with the shepherds so that they may lead more sheep into His fold. And this work was accomplished smashingly this time round.

The ministers of all the respective churches have extended warm invites to me to visit once more, and the affirmation that they would link me up with other contacts they had in other states so that this message could spread further.

I have heard from Bro. Anand, Pastor Dinesh's son, from Rajasthan. He has informed me of several notable miracles that had taken place while I was there. I am mentioning just one here, and the rest I shall update later.

A man from Surwan church, Banswara District, Rajasthan, who had come forward for prayer for his partial paralysis, has been healed. He has even begun working now, and gives all glory to God.

Pastor Dinesh, Bro. Anand, Pastor Bheemchand, along with their families and congregations have committed for baptism.

The pastors in Haryana have also asked me to come and preach the Word to them in greater detail the next time round. I will probably have to labour there for a week or more.

The leaders and congregations I visited in Bihar and Nepal are also ready to be baptized in the Name of our Lord and embrace the Apostolic truths.

All in all, this was a spiritual boost for me first and foremost, and a successful missionary part of MyIndia Vision.

I ask you all to pray for my ministry, my health, and for all these wonderful people who co-operated with us in arranging the meetings and are now seeking and embracing the truth of God's Word.

Pray also for my fireball of a brother, Bro. Arpan Chettri and his call in the Body of Christ.

Do pray for our believer brethren and fellow labourers in the dark states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh where religious persecution is increasing and Christian liberties are a thing of the past.

I seek no glory but the Lord's. May His Name be magnified now and forever.

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